Friday, May 27, 2016

“ Memorial Day”
  Memorial day is a federal holiday that is celebrated on the last monday of May. It was originally called decoration day.This day shows respect and honor to those have served in the United States Military. It recognizes men and woman who died while they were serving the U.S military. They are honored by doing parades, speeches, and visiting cemeteries and memorials.On memorial day i won’t be celebrating it because i don’t know of someone who has passed away from the military but i’ll show respect by saying “sorry for your lose and i thank your son/daughter for fighting for our country.” i’ll also thank the soldiers today or anyone i see that has/ is in the military,air force,army, marines and etc. I think memorial day is a good holiday because you get to remember those who have died serving in the military for the United States. This day is a good day to learn about what happen during wars and how things happened so you can see what the people died while fighting for our country. Memorial day is a day where you show respect to the people that fought for our country during wars and that unfortunately have passed away. This day is special because it lets family remember their loved ones and can see how appreciated they are and how thankful people are that they have fought for our country.


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