Wednesday, March 2, 2016

" Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem our own reputation; for' tis better to be alone that bad company."
---- George Washington----
What this means is that if you associate with good people with good esteem you be a better person. If you associate with people that are bad you most likely will end up alone because they won't stay forever in your life they'll probably end up leaving you and not caring what happened to you throughout the years and may not even care at all about you. If you hang out with good people with good self-esteem then your reputation will be good because you are with good people that are making you look good and making you be a good person. If you were to be with bad people your reputation would be bad because people will think you are a bad person just because you hang out with bad people and they will think wrong of you because you hang out with bad people so they think they you are a bad person and think that you want to harm them or something. 
                                                  Image result for george washington

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